Links to further information on Ravensbrück

I recently had a request from a student writing an article on Ravensbrück who wanted to know specifics on timing, events and individual prisoners, so I thought I’d post a few links here for anyone with similar interests:

Ravensbrück Memorial Site

Ravensbrück timeline (dates and events) from the United States Holocaust Museum

Transcripts of the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial, December 1946

“Message in a Bottle from the Concentration Camp” – poems and songs from ​Ravensbrück on the Tonworte website; site contains other links to poetry, music and art in the camp, such as the Ravensbrück song. Originally written in Russian, it was sung with variations throughout the camp and its satellite camps, a symbol of solidarity. The website is looking for translations from other languages.

Ravensbrück Concentration Camp history and overview from the Jewish Virtual Library

Women of Ravensbrück: virtual museum exhibit from the Florida Holocaust Museum

Photographs, statistics and further information on the “Rabbits” and the Ravensbrück medical experiments

Wikipedia entry on Ravensbrück

Teacher’s guide on Ravensbrück from Kennesaw State University

This site maintained by Jarosław Gajewski contains a great deal of information dedicated to the Ravensbruck Rabbits. An updated version of the site is in progress here.