What’s Past is Prologue

7-10 October 2024
Code Name Verity was published IN GERMAN this year, with a sensitive translation by Petra Koob-Pawis. It’s an event I feel is really worth celebrating, and dtv, the German publisher, is helping me celebrate! They are generously sending me on a speaking tour to three German cities – Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Cologne – as well as to Salzburg in Austria. I am beside myself with excitement about this (and so would Verity be herself).
The schedule is here, and there is also a full rundown on the publisher’s website:
Mon. 7 Oct. 2024: Frankfurt European School Visit
Tues. 8 Oct. 2024: Hamburg Harbour Front Festival – public event
Wed. 9 Oct. 2024: Cologne Literature House – public event
Thurs. 10 Oct. 2024: Salzburg Literature House, two public events
Further details for the public events:
Tues. 8 Oct. 2024, 10:00 a.m. (CEST): Central Library, Hühnerposten 1, 20099 Hamburg, Germany. School reading of Code Name Verity. English and German. Free.
Event link and registration:
For schools, the event link is here (the cost is € 75 per class):
I will be on hand to answer questions in English, and the actor Rosa Thormeyer, who also voices the fabulous narration of Verity in the German audiobook (Hörcompany, 2024), will be reading from the novel in German. (Imagine Julie Beaufort-Stuart speaking fluent German. That’s what Rosa Thormeyer sounds like. LOVE!) Stefanie Ericke-Keidtel will moderate. The event is part of the SeitenEinsteiger Festival, in cooperation with the Junge Literaturhaus Hamburg and the HörCompany.
The SeitenEinsteiger Reading Festival, in its 20th year, is a municipal festival held during the October school holidays to promote reading for young people. This year’s festival website is here:
SeitenEinsteiger, who sponsors Hamburg’s Municipal Reading Festival, is an organization that works on behalf of the City of Hamburg in cooperation with the Cultural Authority, the Social Authority and the School Authority. Their website is here:
Wed. 9 Oct. 2024, 10:00 a.m. (CEST): Literaturhaus Köln, Great Greek Market 39, 50676 Cologne, Germany. School Reading of Code Name Verity. English and German. € 3
Event link and registration:
The discussion will be in English with a reading in German by Cologne actress and speaker Milena Karas.
The Cologne Literature House was founded in 1996 as an initiative by Cologne citizens and runs around 150 events per year. They have so far welcomed over 2,500 authors. They promote and network the city’s literary scene and, together with the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, annually select “A Book for the City.” They are a member of the network of German-language literary houses, which works together as literaturhaus.net. The organization includes houses in Hamburg, Frankfurt and Berlin, Basel and Zurich, Vienna and Salzburg, among others. In 2002, the association awarded the “Literature House Prize” for the first time.
The Young Literature House has been in existence since 2007 and offers literary events, workshops and readings for children and young people.
You can find out more about here: https://literaturhaus-koeln.de/
Thurs. 10 Oct. 2024, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. (CEST): Literaturhaus Salzburg, Strubergasse 23, 5020 Salzburg, Austria. School Reading of Code Name Verity. English with German assistance. € 3
Event links and registration:
9:30: https://www.literaturhaus-salzburg.at/veranstaltungen/code-name-verity-2/
11:30: https://www.literaturhaus-salzburg.at/veranstaltungen/code-name-verity/
I am doing two events at the wonderful Salzburg Literature House, which runs literary events throughout the year as part of literaturhaus.net. I will be speaking in English, so the organizers recommend that students attending should be at least 16 years old and that they are familiar with the extracts of the novel provided by Peter Fuschelberger (contact the Salzburg Literature House for more information on +43 662 422411 or email [email protected]). There will be language support for the audience available in the author discussion, facilitated by Lotta Frängel, a student at the Salzburg International School.
For more information about the Salzburg Literature House, visit their website here: