What’s Past is Prologue

1 June 2024: Stateless is shortlisted for an ITW Thriller Award, and I’ll be at Thrillerfest in New York City at the Sheraton, Times Square doing a bunch of stuff, including volunteering at the registration desk in the morning!
4:10 – 5:00 pm.: I’m participating in “Underdog, Prodigy, or Loner? Writing Effective YA,” a panel event with Sorboni Banerjee, Andrea Hannah, Luane Rice, Dominique Richardson, and R.L. Stine, moderated by Leslie Lutz.
5:00 – 5:30 pm: Author signing.
6:00/7:00 pm: I’ll also be at the cocktail party and awards banquet!
Please come say hi if you’re there too!
More info here: