What’s Past is Prologue

I’m taking part in Readercon this year, and you can too! It’s being hosted online from 13-15 August 2021 – their dedicated website, including a full programme, is now live here:
I’ll be participating in two events on Saturday, 14 August 2021:
10.00 AM (EDT): Elizabeth Wein, Kaffeeklatsch (via Discord)
2:00 PM (EDT): I’m In: Infltration Techniques for Writers with Toni “Leigh Perry” Kelner, Catherynne M.
Valente, Kestrell Verlager, and Fran Wilde (moderator). How can characters get into spaces they aren’t supposed to be, whether physical or virtual? What makes these scenes feel plausible? Panelists will analyze the literary possibilities in various infltration techniques —including those that rely on technical skills (such as lockpicking or hacking) and those that rely on social engineering — and suggest useful reference works and successful fictional depictions.
Check the Readercon 31 website for a full guest list, programme list, and registration details.