Presentations and Workshops

I give presentations on a range of subjects, and not just about writing!

Topics I’ve covered in the past include my trip to Ethiopia (where Black Dove, White Raven and my series The Lion Hunters is set), research for writing historical fiction, fiction and flight, early Black aviators, and how research and real life come together in writing an adventure story. Topics related to Code Name Verity and Rose Under Fire include women in aviation, the role of women in World War II, and the women’s concentration camp at Ravensbrück. I also run writing workshops and discussions. I also run online events.

I am listed on the UK Virtual Authors website under Key Stage 3 (11-14 years) and Key Stage 4 & 5 (14-18 years).

If you would like to arrange an event and discuss fees, you can contact me directly through my contact form page, or via my agent, Ginger Clark, at info [AT] GingerClarkLiterary [dot] com

Live Literature Funding (Scotland only)

If you are a school or educational organization in Scotland, you are probably eligible for Live Literature Funding (LLF) through the Scottish Book Trust. They provide half the cost of an author event based on an author fee of £200. They can also fund online events. They write:

“[These] events could take the form of a remote workshop; a podcast or local radio appearance; a short written resource; community engagement through notice boards or food parcel inserts – in short, anything that helps spread the positive impact of reading, writing and words remotely! If you have an event idea and would like to check its suitability, please do get in touch [with LLF].

Click here to find out about deadlines, criteria and application details.”