The Empty Kingdom Virtual Book Launch (text) 17 April 2008



17 April 2008 @ 10:14 am 


The Empty Kingdom comes out today! It's the second half of The Mark of Solomon, 

the duology which began with The Lion Hunter. So I'm celebrating and blowing my 

own horn with an on-line party that's open to everyone. Tell all your writer and reader 

friends who might enjoy the buzz to stop by, and by all means come and casually 

mention your own work… isn’t that what goes on at a launch party?

Formalities and introductions first—then the entertainment!

When The Lion Hunter came out last year I threw an impromptu cocktail party, a real 

one, in my own kitchen and garden. It was breathtakingly fun but only included my 

local circle of friends, and also made me secretly rather uncomfortable about spending 

the equivalent of a developing country classroom teacher's annual salary on drinks 

and snack items. So for The Empty Kingdom I thought I'd host a virtual cocktail 

party, which will cost me nothing, and send the snack money straight to the wonderful 

organization Ethiopia Reads.

Three of my books are set in ancient Ethiopia (Aksum), and I'm always on the lookout 

for some concrete way to connect these literary endeavors with modern reality. 

Ethiopia Reads is an obvious channel. Founded in 1998 by Yohannes Gebregeorgis, a 

former political refugee from Ethiopia who spent 11 years as a librarian in San 

Francisco, here is how Ethiopia Reads describes itself: "Our mission is to build a 

reading culture in Ethiopia by connecting children with books. We do this by planting 

libraries for children, publishing books in English as well as local Ethiopian 

languages, and training teachers and librarians to cultivate a love of reading among 

children…. When Yohannes returned to Ethiopia with a dream of opening libraries 

for children, he enlisted the help of Jane Kurtz, an internationally known author with 

22 published books for children, writers and fellow educators. Jane spent her 

childhood in Ethiopia and has written many books about its land and people."

Virtual cocktails cost nothing to anyone, of course, but I've put the virtual bucket out 

for donations to Ethiopia Reads. Even just $1 will publish a book in Ethiopia. You 

can make a donation via PayPal by clicking on the sidebar on their main page; 

alternatively, if you've got small change to throw into the pot, download a donation 

form. (Incidentally, I've got no connection or interest in this organization, so any 

donations made will be entirely anonymous to me unless you tell me about them. I'd 

love to be able to boast that I've actually helped raise some awareness for this 


Jane Kurtz, who heads the all-volunteer Board of Directors for Ethiopia Reads, is one 

of my Guests of Honor at this virtual party. She's my cultural consultant and did 

manuscript checks for both A Coalition of Lions and The Sunbird. Any assistance I've 

had from Jane has been sheerly voluntary—I owe her a great deal. At the moment 

she's spending a month in Indonesia doing author visits at international schools, so 

this guest is "not camped out in the building," but that's the beauty of a virtual party, 

isn't it—no jet lag? My other Guest of Honor is in New York—she's sdn, aka 

Sharyn November. How marvelous to sit in Scotland and play hostess to people on 

opposite sides of the globe! Sharyn is another person to whom I owe more than I can 

say—she's my wonderful editor at Viking. I do send her Cadbury's Crème Eggs from 

time to time, but that feels more like enabling an addiction than offering proper 

gratitude. So thank you both to Jane and Sharyn!

Thanks also to HELEN SANDERS GRAY, whose surname appears incorrectly as 

"Fray" in the acknowledgments on the copyright page of The Empty Kingdom. 

Arggghhh is all I have to say to that. Helen and her friend Katherine Jarman translated 

the necessary Homer for me. Fortunately Helen and I both know what her real name 


OK, the formalities are over, on to the fun stuff. The cocktails are virtual, but the links 

are real.

*My trip to Ethiopia in 2004 (for anyone who hasn't found it yet)—with pictures of 

Debra Damo, Telemakos's house in Aksum, the Tomb of the False door, Pennsylvania 

Wein and more…

*Sheer madness in the form of Lion Hunter/Firefly crossover fic (!!!111!! XDDDD) 

by rainbowjehan (I really wish there was more of this but I'm sure I scare people 

off by talking about it. rainbowjehan is very brave.)

*What would a book promotion be without a reading? (If you've stayed this long….) 

Et voilà, an excerpt from Chapter 7 of The Empty Kingdom. Spoiler free, as far as I 

can tell, although take this with a grain of salt as I’m not really objective enough to 

judge any more.

*And I have two virtual Guests of Honor in addition to my real ones. They're 

thesunbird and princesstena. (I didn't do it.) I can't guarantee that they'll turn up, 

but they ought both to feel VERY welcome.

I thought about making this a costume party, but didn't quite have the chutzpah. Who 

would you come as if it WAS?

ETA: There is a Thank You and a Follow-Up to this party here.

ETA 2: I have had to remove most of the links in this post to try to cut back on spam. 

Sorry about that. 

Tags: e wein's other life




j_cheney on April 17th, 2008 02:07 pm (UTC)

Jogging over to Amazon!

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 02:09 pm (UTC)

yipes, that was fast!

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j_cheney on April 17th, 2008 02:13 pm (UTC)

Already ordered! For some reason, I hadn't put that on my Wish List, so I'm really 

glad you mentioned it. ;o)

(My credit card pays me credit points in Amazon Gift Certificates, so I'm always 

buying from them.)

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 02:21 pm (UTC)

what a good idea!

(and thank you.)

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tiboribi on April 17th, 2008 02:33 pm (UTC)

Yay book! According to Amazon and UPS it is "out for delivery" to my house.

Also, the green is pretty.

If I were dressing up, I would be Goewin. I have no idea what I would actually wear, 

but I've always loved Goewin.

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 02:44 pm (UTC)

there do exist somewhere, fortunately not on-line, incriminating photos of me and my 

best friend in high school dressed up as Lleu and Goewin. I was Lleu.

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 02:45 pm (UTC)

we had this long sleeveless red velvet dress which we put a flowy white blouse 


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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 03:34 pm (UTC)

yeeps, I mean for Goewin, not for Lleu!

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mhari on April 17th, 2008 08:09 pm (UTC)

If you're not careful I'll write drag!Lleu fic…

Edited at 2008-04-17 08:09 pm (UTC)

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 10:52 pm (UTC)

I absolutely dare you.

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mhari on April 17th, 2008 11:09 pm (UTC)

Maybe when I'm caught up on the canon. O:D

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tiboribi on April 18th, 2008 01:41 am (UTC)

Do you think being caught up on canon is going to help you write Lleu in drag?

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mhari on April 18th, 2008 02:00 am (UTC)

You never know! There might be a hitherto-untold flashback to that Halloween 


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cc_lemon on April 17th, 2008 02:44 pm (UTC)

Hurray! Finally! My copy has been pre-ordered for a month. Hope it arrives today!

Congratulations and wishes for a successful launch.

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 02:47 pm (UTC)

thank you! I am looking forward to sitting here later on hostessing with a glass of 

wine by my side (that is what my french teacher suggested when I told about it, en 

tres mauvais francais, in class this a.m.)

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(Anonymous) on April 17th, 2008 03:24 pm (UTC)


Congratulations on the release of EMPTY KINGDOM and here's hoping your week 

gets even better with LION HUNTER winning the Norton. 🙂


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marguerlucy on April 17th, 2008 03:32 pm (UTC)

I would come as Morgause! Only because I don't have the waifish young looks to pull 

off Goewin 😀 And the antagonist is so much more fun, no?

Congrats! I look forward to picking up the book 😀

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 03:44 pm (UTC)

yes, I confess to having leanings in that direction myself, due to age and general 

malaise. You know the old joke:

Q: what do you get when you cross Mordred with Harriet Vane?

A: E Wein!

enjoy the book.

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marguerlucy on April 17th, 2008 04:03 pm (UTC)

I am sure I'll enjoy it 😀

LOL at your joke.

I can't decide if I'd come as Morgause in her glory, accessorized with a peacock, or as 

Morgause imprisoned, accessorized with a tortured young blonde in African jewels. 😉

hey I have a random query! Since I've made the decision to specialize in YA/kids 

library work, can you tell me what are some good resources to start becoming familiar 

with YA/kids lit? I know I could just go to the library and start pulling out books – but 

if there are some good journals, or "top read lists", magazines that the kids like 

besides Teen Beat haha – I would love to know, and appreciate your feedback!

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:53 pm (UTC)

Morgause imprisoned, accessorized with a tortured young blonde in African jewels

this confused me so deeply, in the context of what I'm writing just now. how could 

you know? but der. you don't. you mean someone else.

I will answer your other question in greater detail when it's not so late! (possibly next 

week, but more likely the following week.) I can certainly give you pointers to useful 

journals, though I know little about librarianship.

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eegatland on May 2nd, 2008 10:55 am (UTC)

I read two listservs, child_lit and Adbooks, which really do seem to have their finger 

on the pulse. Besides continuous discussions of the hot new books out there, there are 

a lot of well-known authors who lurk on the lists (Philip Pullman and Jane Yolen 

come to mind, but there are plenty others). Adbooks is kind of like an on-line book 

group. Child_Lit is broader in its scope.

The Horn Book Magazine is kind of la creme de la creme of the kids' book reviewing 

journals–they publish excellent articles as well as reviews and they don't review 

everything, only what they like best (and the occasional book that they really feel like 

PANNING). You can find it in any library. I have had a subscription to it for about 

the last 20 years, I think. They also publish a thing called The Horn Book Review, 

which is not the same as the magazine, in which they review all published books for 

children (whether or not the like them).

School Library Journal is the other big one that you ought to be looking at every time 

it comes out.

How's that for starters!

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marguerlucy on May 2nd, 2008 01:11 pm (UTC)

EXCELLENT!! Thanks so much 😀

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eegatland on May 2nd, 2008 01:42 pm (UTC)

you're very welcome!

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lauradi7 on April 17th, 2008 04:13 pm (UTC)

I didn't know this joke, but I like it. A small donation to Ethiopia Reads will go 

winging its way in the next few days as my contribution to the party (I don't think I've 

ever had a cocktail, but surely this would be more satisfying in any case).

Dressed as Goewin, I suppose, but I don't have enough spare time to do the extensive 

research needed to make something resembling an accurate outfit, which I would feel 

compelled to do. (I'm just that way. When my daughter's first grade class had a 

Thanksgiving feast, I sent her in dressed similarly to the photos in "Sarah Morton's 


while all her classmates had their regular clothes but added big paper collars and 


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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 10:55 pm (UTC)

thanks for the donation! My own Sara is working on a Girl Guide's badge which I 

think is going to require her to dress as an Amish girl sometime in the near future (and 

may require me to make a trip to the farmer's market in Lancaster when I am in PA in 


enjoy your virgin Cape Codder (courtesy of Cally, see below)–alcohol free cocktails 

can be delightful. There were lots of Shirley Temples available here last year. (I have 

a reputation for being the woman who introduces our local school kids to Shirley 


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(Anonymous) on April 17th, 2008 03:34 pm (UTC)


I tried open ID, but couldn't get it to work. I'm not really anonymous, I'm Janet. 

Congratulations, Elizabeth, on the publication of The Empty Kingdom. I hope Deirdre 

Baker of the Toronto Star gets a copy soon. She wrote such a glowing review of The 

Lion Hunter.

This is an innovative way to launch a book. 

Best wishes,

Janet McNaughton

St. John's, Newfoundland Canada

(where the snow is finally receding)

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(Anonymous) on April 17th, 2008 04:19 pm (UTC)

Congrats, Lizzie! What a great idea. We raise a virtual glass of champagne in your 

honor. Can't wait to read it. Love, K

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(Anonymous) on April 17th, 2008 04:35 pm (UTC)

Great Idea

What a fantastic idea – a virtual launch. Well done! Great to see great books coming 



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pixzzzart on April 17th, 2008 05:37 pm (UTC)

Re: Great Idea

Congratulations on your virtual book launch, Elizabeth – a sound reason to cut costs. 

I've taken the virtual detour to your Ethiopian trip 2004 and Ethiopia Reads. I'm 

planning to send a copy of my first children's picture book directly to the suggested 

address on Ethiopia Reads website.

Thanks for sharing Chapter 7 – I enjoyed it!

If this was a costume party -I'm not sure who I'd be but I'd like to wear a cloak with a 

gold snarling dragon brooch.

Good Luck and Good Launch!

Sue Eves

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:14 pm (UTC)

Re: Great Idea

I'm planning to send a copy of my first children's picture book directly to the 

suggested address on Ethiopia Reads website.

Fantastic! I'm so pleased. And really glad that you enjoyed all the Extras, too. 

Now *I* want a gold snarling dragon brooch, too.



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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:38 pm (UTC)

Re: Great Idea

glad you like the idea–i'm so pleased at the turnout!

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tigertrapped on April 17th, 2008 05:11 pm (UTC)

Congratulations! *throws confetti* I'm off to order my copy now. Thanks for inviting 

me to the launch. I'll be plugging it on my lj in a mo. I know a couple of people on my 

flist who'd love to come. xx

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:15 pm (UTC)

you are a goddess. as always.

*dusting confetti from hair*

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(Anonymous) on April 17th, 2008 05:16 pm (UTC)



This launch is great fun! Cheers.


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callyperry on April 17th, 2008 05:58 pm (UTC)

Yay, book! So here's a thought: I donated the amount of the Amazon discount I got on 

the book, which feels like free. ( I'll give more at gump time. What a great 

organization! )

Pours Laura a Virgin Cape Codder and Champagne for the rest of us!



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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:19 pm (UTC)

*waves back*

thank you!

*drinking champagne*

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rj_anderson on April 18th, 2008 05:25 pm (UTC)

Hey Cally! Fancy seeing you here! *clinks glasses*

Now I just have to wait for Elizabeth's books to arrive at my local indie bookseller so 

I can actually say something intelligent at this party…

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 06:38 pm (UTC)

oh goodness, don't worry about saying anything intelligent. we're all a bit squiffy by 


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(Anonymous) on April 17th, 2008 06:09 pm (UTC)

Great party

Hi Elizabeth – 

Congratulations on the publication of The Empty Kingdom. I can't wait to read it. 

Guess what? I discovered this week that your books are in the Concord, New 

Hampshire, public library. But the illustrations aren't complete . . .

I would be Goewin again, I suppose. I loved that dress. I wonder what happened to it?

All the best,

Anonymous (not Pirate) Jenny

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:20 pm (UTC)

Re: Great party

I think it's in one of the closets in Mt. Gretna!

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mhari on April 17th, 2008 06:35 pm (UTC)

*squawks* I LOST TRACK OF THE DATE. I fail my yearly Mad Fan exam!

(In my defense, your mail came today. 😀 😀 THANK YOU.)

I shall donate just as soon as my stupid bank sends me my stupid replacement card. 

Meanwhile, I may have to organize a trip to B&N to see if they've got it yet. The 

book, not my card.

Maybe I will buck the trend and come as Ginevra! I am perhaps a bit young for it yet, 

but I always liked her.

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:25 pm (UTC)

you ought to have secondary mail arriving shortly. just saying. before you spend 


GINEVRA! cool. she was loosely based on my Old Irish history teacher, whom I 


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mhari on April 17th, 2008 11:42 pm (UTC)

*flails at* LADY!

I think I came to it after several Ornamental!Guinevere stories, which made her all the 

more appealing. 

But hey, CARTOGRAPHY. <3

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:56 pm (UTC)

majesty, thank you.

{blarrghhhh… way too much virtual champagne here. boy do we have a weird 


The cartography was my cousin's idea–she was only about 10!

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mhari on April 18th, 2008 12:20 am (UTC)

Yes sir, ma'am. XD

your complete and utter silliness is part of why I adore you!

That is awesome.

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 12:47 am (UTC)

*chokes on champagne*

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mhari on April 18th, 2008 01:33 am (UTC)


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sdn on April 17th, 2008 06:51 pm (UTC)


hi, you! happy launch day!

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:29 pm (UTC)

Re: *waving*

happy launch day yourself! so sorry you're spending it at the dentist… have some of 

estara's virtual Lindt pralines

*waves back*

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holyschist on April 17th, 2008 07:33 pm (UTC)


(And yay, another book!)

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:30 pm (UTC)

thank you! (double yay)

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estara on April 17th, 2008 07:47 pm (UTC)

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Congratulations and the virtual Lindt pralines are on me!

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:31 pm (UTC)

Re: Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

ouch, those are *wonderful* (and I have offered them to sdn.

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estara on April 18th, 2008 05:04 pm (UTC)

Re: Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

I hope she/he liked them ^^. You're not into pralines yourself?

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 06:33 pm (UTC)

Re: Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

oh, I love pralines. I should have said I offered what was left over to sdn.

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Select: on April 17th, 2008 08:01 pm (UTC)

Congratulations! Well done you.

I'm waiting for Him Indoors to return indoors so I can nip out to the shop for a bottle 

of wine so I can toast you, well, toast the computer screen anyway. I've nothing to 

wear but doh! you wouldn't have known if I hadn't said…

Was it my 10 year old son swigging the cocktails at your last party that put you off 

doing it again? I hope not. 

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:34 pm (UTC)

well, I'm toasting the computer screen too. thinking of you (only a quarter of a mile 

down the road, how ridiculous is that?) No, it was NOT your son who put me off! 

According to Sara he reads my books, and he's on her Bebo "E Wein fan page" like a 

good little devotee, so who am I to cast aspersions? (nasturtiums? whatever)

hope this gets thru to you, not sure how the syndicated feed works. Will send it via 

email to make sure!



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(Anonymous) on April 17th, 2008 08:21 pm (UTC)

thank you

thanks for the invite, i needed a night out and this is the best kind! Can't wait to read 

it, all best from scbwi virtual pal,


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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:37 pm (UTC)

Re: thank you

thanks for stopping by!

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minayi on April 17th, 2008 11:37 pm (UTC)

yaaaaay and congratulations! *clinks glass with yours* i can't wait to read the book. 

i've given ethiopia reads a small donation; it seems like a great charity, and i had been 

meaning to find some way to express my (round-about) thanks to you for your 



oh, and i'd go as lleu i think. with my coloring i could even maybe pull it off!

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eegatland on April 17th, 2008 11:59 pm (UTC)


actually, I think you'd make a superb Lleu, coloring notwithstanding. The Bright One.

so many thanks for the donation! *blows kisses*

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minayi on April 18th, 2008 03:20 pm (UTC)

awwww shucks. why are you the nicest person ever??? that comment made my day!

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 03:33 pm (UTC)


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checkers65477 on April 18th, 2008 12:00 am (UTC)

Just popping over from the Sounis LJ site (you visited us! last week!) to wish you a 

very happy publication day! And Ethiopia Reads sounds like the coolest of causes!

Wait, is that too many exclamation marks? Nah. 

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 12:15 am (UTC)

definitely not too many exclamation marks, I'm a guilty user myself. thanks for 

stopping by, it's great to see some new faces! (so to speak)

thank you for the good wishes!

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marith on April 18th, 2008 12:04 am (UTC)

Congratulations!! Also, Ethiopia Reads sounds extremely cool and I shall check it out. 

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 12:16 am (UTC)

thank you! (it is extremely cool, and so is Jane Kurtz.)

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(Anonymous) on April 18th, 2008 12:31 am (UTC)

Happy Launching

I'm late to the party. I am ALWAYS late to the party, but it is 8:30 pm here, which is 

a perfect time for raising a glass of wine and toasting you and THE EMPTY 

KINGDOM. Hurray! And as with birthdays, Many Happy Returns of Launching Day!


Megan Whalen Turner

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 12:40 am (UTC)

Re: Happy Launching

you can't POSSIBLY be as late as me, because I really should have been in bed 2 

hours ago.

*clinks glasses with you*

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firiel44 on April 18th, 2008 01:06 am (UTC)

Hooray! Let's see, I know I have some wine… aha! Right here. *pours and clinks 


Your package arrived yesterday – thank you, thank you! And I may have frightened a 

student with my barely-repressed glee when I got an email at work saying The Empty 

Kingdom had shipped. I'm just going to have to lock myself in with my books this 

weekend, with occasional trips to the patio for some sunshine.

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 08:15 am (UTC)

you're welcome you're welcome! *bows*

I hope the sun cooperates for you. enjoy!

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girasole on April 18th, 2008 01:20 am (UTC)


I love these books so much. Brava, huzzah!

I teach A Coalition of Lions in my "Female voices in historical narratives" class. My 

graduate students, teachers and librarians all, are always bowled over.

sdn knows who I am, if you don't recognize me, Elizabeth.

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 08:18 am (UTC)

Re: Huzzah!

I *do* recognize you GraceAnne! So pleased to see you here. You have always been 

one of my staunchest supporters… there are a few of you out there who shine out like 

beacons for me when I sometimes feel like the books are foundering.

*offers a mimosa, as it's morning now*

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ellen_kushner on April 18th, 2008 02:39 am (UTC)

I have come as the Golux. I am wearing an indescribable hat. There – can you see me, 

out in the garden, enjoying the moonlight? The neighbors wish I would go away, but I 

am having too much fun at your lovely party.

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 08:25 am (UTC)

ahhh you are so cool. I nearly made sara drop dead of embarrassment the other day 

because there was a man, a very short man, wearing an indescribable hat, and I 

grabbed sara by the shoulders to turn her around and hissed, "Look, look, it's the 


of course now I have to try to describe his hat. It was covered with either fake 

dreadlocks or fake snakes, but didn't really look like either– just a big dark gray mass 

of crafted felt. I tried to find a picture but most dreadlocks hats have got the dreads on 


anyway, I am bringing mimosas out this morning. The neighbors aren't bothered, 

they're all upstairs playing in our attic, except my friend who is helping serve 

mimosas. have one!

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rainbowjehan on April 18th, 2008 02:59 am (UTC)

OMG omg it's out! Okay, I really need to get ahold of it as soon as possible. Thank 

the lord my birthday is coming up.

Congratulations so much.

Also, I take requests. XD So if you have some random crossover fic you're dreaming 

of, I will totally write it for you. It suits the momentious occasion.

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 08:30 am (UTC)

I'll ask sara. she has better ideas than me.

incidentally, you wowed at least one person who commented offline: "WOOT! the 

Firefly/Lion Hunter fanfic is so … so … I'm speechless." I think that was a 

compliment, anyway.

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rainbowjehan on April 19th, 2008 02:07 am (UTC)

Well! I will write for her, then.

XD Oh, dear. (I asked Mama after the fact, and it turns out apligraf is a brand name. 

XD I am not very clever about these things.)

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eegatland on April 19th, 2008 09:36 am (UTC)

I confess that I had to google it. obviously Medraut knew what it was.

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rainbowjehan on April 20th, 2008 02:15 am (UTC)

Medraut knew, I expect, because Simon used it or made reference. Useful useful 


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( 110 comments — Post a new comment )






thesunbird on April 18th, 2008 03:02 am (UTC)

Thank you for having us, woyzaro.

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 08:31 am (UTC)

you are both welcome ANY time, child.

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princesstena on April 19th, 2008 08:06 pm (UTC)

*finally gets to TALK, W00T* \o/

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eegatland on April 19th, 2008 09:34 pm (UTC)

gimme a break kid, you're in full sentences at about one-and-a-half.

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princesstena on April 19th, 2008 10:12 pm (UTC)

*has good genes! what?*

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(Anonymous) on April 18th, 2008 03:37 am (UTC)

Hello from Pennsylvania

And congratulations from George in Philadelphia.

check out my riddles

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 08:36 am (UTC)

Re: Hello from Pennsylvania

enigmatic and disturbingly lovely as ever. Your guestbook didn't load properly on my 

computer but I have signed it in spirit!



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sarahbethdurst on April 18th, 2008 03:50 am (UTC)

Happy book birthday, Elizabeth!

Best wishes,


P.S. See you soon!!

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 08:36 am (UTC)

thanks, looking forward to it with excitement!

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(Anonymous) on April 18th, 2008 07:17 am (UTC)

Congratulations – Gratulerer !

Hi! Congratulations on your new book! Can't wait to read it – Kristine started reading 

English books, too, so we'll both enjoy it. Love to the man and weasels. Status in 

Tromsø: 45 centimeters snow and still coming down since Wednesday – spring is 

really showing ? Love, Nina and family

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jabberworks on April 18th, 2008 07:47 am (UTC)

Congratulations! That's great news! 🙂


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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 08:41 am (UTC)

thank you!

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(Anonymous) on April 18th, 2008 02:15 pm (UTC)

late for the party as usual

Well done Elizabeth – good party idea. I'll just have to virtually dress up and virtually 

swill a glass of wine or two in you honour this time.



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(Anonymous) on April 18th, 2008 02:57 pm (UTC)

From Nancy Werlin

And I'm late to the party, too, but am raising my glass anyway and saying HOORAY! 


-Nancy W.

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ellen_kushner on April 18th, 2008 11:22 pm (UTC)

Re: From Nancy Werlin

(waves "Hi" at Nancy!!) 

What a swell party this is!

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ajl_r on April 18th, 2008 04:51 pm (UTC)

Faint but perspiring…

Oh my ears and whiskers, I'm late, I'm late. 🙂

Many congratulations on the new publication, and may I have a mimosa, please 

(make that a double)? Now that it's Friday evening I can get happily and virtually 

stonkered in your honour.

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eegatland on April 18th, 2008 06:08 pm (UTC)

Re: Faint but perspiring…

coming right up! and don't worry about being late. just move along to the table to a 

clean teacup. (or nevermind about the teacup, have a flute)

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(Anonymous) on April 18th, 2008 07:34 pm (UTC)

Happy Belated Book Launch !

Elizabeth, I'm so happy for you ! You are a great woman. I will order the book ASAP! 


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(Anonymous) on April 18th, 2008 08:53 pm (UTC)

Your virtual book launch

Congratulations on your launch, Elizabeth! A short notice about it will appear in the 

next issue of Buzz Words (The Latest Buzz on Children's Books), an online magazine for people in the Australia 

children's book industry. Check it out! And good luck with the book! (Tried to find 

who your publisher is, but without success. Can I assume you self-publish?)

Di Bates

[email protected]

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(Anonymous) on April 19th, 2008 09:27 am (UTC)

Re: Your virtual book launch

All my books are published by Viking Children's Books, New York (a division of 


Many thanks for the buzz!

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eegatland on April 19th, 2008 09:28 am (UTC)

Re: Your virtual book launch

der, that was me, not Anonymous. I've answered in greater detail at your email 

address as well.

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(Anonymous) on April 18th, 2008 10:39 pm (UTC)

Congratulations, and many thanks from Ethiopia Reads

Dear Elizabeth,

This is Laura Bond from the Ethiopia Reads office in Denver. Congratulations on the 

release of The Empty Kingdom, and for making Ethiopia Reads part of your fabulous 

book launch. At our office in Denver, we're feeling a bit giddy from all of the virtual 

cocktais. (It IS Friday.) These donations will go a very long way in Ethiopia, where 

we aspire to turn kids into readers and lovers of books. Thanks from them — and 

enjoy the rest of the party!

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(Anonymous) on April 26th, 2008 04:53 am (UTC)

historical fiction

I love seeing historical fiction about lesser-known times and places. My first novel, 

The Well of Sacrifice, is a middle grade drama set in Mayan Guatemala. I've had 

trouble selling historical fiction since then, so I'm glad to see that some books still 

make it in this soft market! I've added your books to my web site list of "Historical 

Fiction for Young People." You can find it on the "For Teachers" page of my web 


[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<>') in entry. Owner must 

fix manually. Raw contents below.]

I love seeing historical fiction about lesser-known times and places. My first novel, 

The Well of Sacrifice, is a middle grade drama set in Mayan Guatemala. I've had 

trouble selling historical fiction since then, so I'm glad to see that some books still 

make it in this soft market! I've added your books to my web site list of "Historical 

Fiction for Young People." You can find it on the "For Teachers" page of my web 

site: <>

Chris Eboch

The Well of Sacrifice

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suzannemercury on April 30th, 2008 07:49 pm (UTC)

This is a very late congratulations– my apologies! Are there any virtual cocktails left? 

I have been traveling and pretty much on the information dirt road these past couple 

of weeks!

Anyway, I am running to Brookline Booksmith to make sure they order multiple 

copies and to get mine!

I am totally in awe of your visit to Ethiopia!

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eegatland on May 1st, 2008 12:53 pm (UTC)

there are always virtual cocktails left. I have them plumbed in.

I must admit I am kind of in awe of that trip myself… seems like a long time ago now, 

when I was younger and braver.



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suzannemercury on May 1st, 2008 01:02 pm (UTC)

When I was in college I badly wanted to spend a semester in Kenya and tour parts of 

Africa. Parental resistance to the idea and finances made that unreachable at the time, 

and I still regret not being able to pull it together. In retrospect, that was one time in 

my life when such a trip really was pretty feasible. I think Kenya will be off the list 

for quite awhile now. 🙁 

I ordered your book last night– the folks at Brookline Booksmith also ordered some 

additional copies to have on the shelves. 🙂 I know the manager there and will pitch to 

have it displayed in the window (their windows are always pretty awesome) Yay!

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eegatland on May 1st, 2008 01:56 pm (UTC)

I spent two weeks in Kenya once, too, visiting a friend who was doing fieldwork there 

for a PhD in social anthropology. I was very envious of her actually being able to 

spend some time (four months) living and working there rather than just being a 

tourist and spending money.

And boy oh boy, you can tell the Brookline Booksmith folks that I have not got the 

words to express my appreciation for some good old-fashioned hand-selling! I fear 

my books get somewhat lost in the avalanche. Thank YOU, too, for the hand sell, Ms. 


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suzannemercury on May 1st, 2008 02:24 pm (UTC)

It's my pleasure! 

I try to do this whenever I can– in my opinion it really is the guerrilla hand-selling 

that does it in the end. So I am told anyway. Bookstores really do listen to their 

customers, especially independent bookstores. BB in particular is very supportive in 

this regard. 

(I think Katherine was the one who told me once that publishers really do take note of 

individual orders coming from bookstores– the more the merrier.This was a awhile 

ago, and I don't know if the internet has changed this dynamic. Whatever I can do 

though to affect the numbers and keep the publisher happy and thinking about 

reprints, I am happy to do).

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eegatland on May 1st, 2008 02:27 pm (UTC)

every little bit helps. My sales are very slender. I try not to whine about it on-line but 

sympathetic people like Katherine get an earful sometimes!

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suzannemercury on May 1st, 2008 02:35 pm (UTC)

And Katherine totally gets it. Well this is what friends are for! 

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