Book Names Rose Under Fire

Tell the World: One Book, One Community and Rose Under Fire

beth israel roses

This year my novel Rose Under Fire was chosen as Central Pennsylvania’s “One Book, One Community” read across a six-county region including over 90 libraries. The program is described in detail here. It’s essentially a great big geographically-organized book club, based on an idea…

One Book, One Community


Rose Under Fire has been chosen as Central Pennsylvania’s One Book, One Community read across a 6-county area including over 80 libraries. I’m incredibly excited and honored that my book’s been chosen, and I’ll be speaking at a couple of local…

Holocaust Memorial Day, 27 January 2015

To commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day 2015, Scottish Book Trust and the Edinburgh Inter Faith Association have asked me to speak about Rose Under Fire and the real events behind the story to school groups at Edinburgh Academy. The event will take place on 27…

Rose Under Fire Paperback Giveaway

To celebrate the US & Canada paperback releases of Rose Under Fire, Shae over at Shae Has Left the Room is hosting a character interview with Lisette Romilly. We’ve also got four copies of Rose to give away. The giveaway ends 9 October 2014.…

Women pilots of World War II – links

Soviet: Night Witches – Wikipedia Night Witches – Seize the Sky Night Witches – The Atlantic American: WASP – Women Airforce Service Pilots – Wikipedia Wings Across America – WASP on the Web  Texas Women’s University WASP history WASP Museum…

Links to further information on Ravensbrück

I recently had a request from a student writing an article on Ravensbrück who wanted to know specifics on timing, events and individual prisoners, so I thought I’d post a few links here for anyone with similar interests: Ravensbrück Memorial…

My visit to Ravensbrück, August 2012

In August 2012 I spent a week at the Ravensbrück Memorial site taking part in a seminar called the European Summer School which is held there annually. The links below take you to the blog posts I wrote while I was…

Rose Under Fire

rose cover usa

Rose Justice is a young pilot with the Air Transport Auxiliary during the Second World War. On her way back from a semi-secret flight in the waning days of the war, Rose is captured by the Germans and ends up…

Rose’s In-Flight Exploits

Curious readers may be interested in the sources for some of the flying scenes in Rose Under Fire. Rose’s background is similar to that of Betty Lussier, who grew up on a farm in Maryland then managed get to England to…

Taran – Aerial Ramming

Taran is both a Russian and Polish word for aerial ramming (if you do a Wikipedia search on taran, you’ll be redirected to aerial ramming). Taran is not the same as kamikaze and is not considered a suicide manoeuver.  If you’re nerdy enough…