
Virtual Readercon 13-15 August 2021

I’m taking part in Readercon this year, and you can too! It’s being hosted online from 13-15 August 2021 – their dedicated website, including a full programme, is now live here:Readercon 31I’ll be participating in two events on Saturday, 14…

The Enigma Game Virtual Book Tour, 2-9 November 2020

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Please join me at any or all of the following venues for a series of online events! I’m especially excited about the “in conversation” events with wonderful authors Steve Sheinkin, Sherri L. Smith, and Monica Hesse, and the multi-talented Carole E…

World War II Young Adult Author Panel


Monday 19 October 2020  5-6 PM Eastern Time (10 – 11 PM BST) Click to register:  Join me and author Amanda McCrina for a virtual discussion sponsored by the Danbury Library in Connecticut! We’ll be talking about history, research, and…

HerStory Tea Time, 12 October 2020 Online Event


Mon, October 12, 2020 3-4 PM Eastern Time (8–9 PM BST) Join Penguin Teen Canada for a tea time full of HerStory in a chat with four amazing historical fiction authors! About this Event Tea and books are the perfect combination…

Book Week Scotland Events, November 2019

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Tuesday 19 November 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, 6.30 p.m. I’m taking part in an Author Showcase celebrating Book Week Scotland with Publishing Scotland. Join me and and a host of other Scottish authors at Waterstone’s at 153-157 Sauchiehall Street for an evening…

Autumn 2019 Events

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21 and 25 October 2019, Washington, DC & Oklahoma City, OK I’ll be doing events at two bookstores in the USA in October. Please come if you’re in town! Monday, 21 October 2019, 7.00 p.m. Politics & Prose in Washington, DC –…